Welcome to the stoner kitchen this is a marijuana-based image gallery featuring images from my Pinterest board the Stoners kitchen this webpage is a personal blog of mine. With the goal in mind to get you off of Pinterest into my website my name is Joquan Da Hooligan. Hope you enjoy your visit to my site.
My name is Joquan Da Hooligan I am a independent recording artists from Detroit Michigan. I am known throughout the Southeastern Michigan area for selling my album on the streets. In addition to hip hop music and production I also enjoy graphic and web design I am smoking a blunt right now is I am designing this webpage. Have you ever designed a webpage before have you ever designed a webpage on weed it’s the shit man.
Do You Love Weed like I do it’s not about the high to me it’s more about rebellion it’s telling the establishment fuck you. Below you will find a few Amazon affiliate products of mine you can support me and weed at the same time by clicking any one of these images and purchasing the product shown through my Amazon affiliate links.
I can remember back in the year 2002 when my sister was living in a house in the Northwest side of Detroit with her boyfriend. This house was right around the corner from Northwestern High School. The weed odor coming out of this house could be smelled at least 50 feet away. I couldn’t wait to get in there and smoke some of this good weed with my sister however when I got inside the house I didn’t notice anything a Blaze. She took me in the back room and I bulshit you not the entire room was filled with weed. My sister’s boyfriend was actually selling pounds of this shit. I almost had a heart attack because I knew if the police ran up in that house we were screwed. However I am not above taking advantage of the situation. I would occasionally and when I say occasionally I mean like two or three times a week go to my sister to pick up the occasional 3 to 4 oz of weed. All summer 2002 I had specials when someone buy a copy of my album on the streets they would get a free bag of weed. Not just a little Skippy bag either a big fat stupid bag bags of weed so fat dudes with go to their drug dealers to get their money back to get weed from me I wasn’t even selling weed I was just selling my album the weed was free.
On July 9th 2019 I was selling CDs in Roseville Michigan when I stop at MotorCity CBD and Vapor Supply in there I met a lady named Cat who was explaining to me the health benefits of CBD which is a cannabis oil. This lady has literally a booklet of information about the health benefits of this oil and hopefully one day I will be able to interview her and post it on either this blog or a Blog similar to it a special shout-out to Motor City CBD and vapor Supply for buying a copy of my album. Below you will find a link to their Facebook page feel free to check it out.
A long time ago I shot a movie a real low budget not even a b movie this was like a g movie call the ghost of the alien Weed Head check out the trailer below.
I am a recording artist so I smoke a lot of weed. Well even if I wasn’t a recording artist I will probably still smoke a lot of weed a lot of folks will tell you that it is an enhancement to your art. that’s bull shit. If you are a real artist you be able to do it high or sober. The truth of the matter is it’s just some fun shit to do.
If you enjoyed my blog and would like to support my music below is a link to buy a digital copy of my album The Hooligan Radio Collection